We looked at the common dairy free milk alternatives and what they were comprised of, but what about the new ‘extra’ alternative milks?
Hemp Milk
Hemp Milk is surprisingly one of the more nutritionally valuable milks available in the alternative market. Made by blending mulled hemp seeds with water this milk contains high amounts of calcium, vitamins and essential fatty acids. It contains a full protein source and is average in calories. The downside, It has little to no fibre and the extreme nutty taste can be off-putting to some.
Flax Milk
An interesting one that’s not commonly seen. Flax milk is lower calorie and contains essential fatty acids that come from obviously the flax seeds. The issue with flax milk is that most store bought versions are made from water, flaxseed oil and pea protein to try give it more nutritional value which seems far from a natural flax milk.
Pea Milk
An interesting new one! Pea milks are made from pea protein giving it a similar nutritional content to that of cows milk in terms of protein and fat, but has no carbohydrates. It’s high in potassium and has more calcium than cows milk. Unlike the others pea milk doesn’t have the nutty taste but can be as creamy as soy milk due to the additives. Most contain things such as sunflower or algal oils to create a better texture.
Cashew Milk
Although one of the tastiest, cashew milk, unfortunately, doesn’t offer much in the way of nutrients. It’s made in a similar way to almond and has a similar nutritional breakdown with very low calories and most of these come from fat.
Walnut Milk
A surprisingly high-calorie option milk with an earthy taste. A good way to boost your intake of omega-3s and contains a decent amount of plant-based protein per service. These are hard to find and not yet very common.
Looking to add a fancy different protein to go with your fancy milk? Check out these awesome products:
Obvi Super Collagen Protein
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, accounting for about a third

Switch Nutrition Protein Switch
Protein Switch™ is a carefully selected blend of organic sprouted vegan proteins

Blessed Plant Based Protein
The wholesome protein goodness inside this recycled tub contains an

unparalleled formulation of the finest 100% sustainable raw ingredients to bless your body. High performance plant protein superfood with smooth, delicious flavors that will send your tastebuds to heaven. Pure Golden Yellow Pea Protein Isolate. Unlike other plant-based products, we ONLY include one source of the highest quality pea protein, making it easier for you to digest. Zero artificial additives, sweeteners, grit or enzymes. 100% sustainable raw ingredients, No blends & 100% real pea protein!
Did you miss our first blog post about dairy-free milk alternatives? You'll find it here: Dairy-Free milks - The Alternatives