Why You should organize Giveaway?

Why You should organize Giveaway?

When you say the word - Giveaway, what do you think of?

Free? Gift? People love gifts and they love winning. 

Looking for a way to “wake up” your audience and get them to interact with you? 

Organising giveaways should help you in accomplishing that. 

You will gain visibility among your audience and attract new followers. 

Before starting your first giveaway, you must think of and organize a few things. Check out the below;

  • What is the goal of my giveaway?

As an influencer you are always searching for ways to increase the number of followers and their engagement. So this should be your primary reason to organise Giveaway.

One way to do that is to set clear instructions for entering into giveaways where people must like the post, tag their mates and ensure they are all following the IG account..

This will result in new people seeing and following your profile. Just make sure that you interest them enough to stick around as your followers after the giveaway finishes.

  • How long should it last?

Running a giveaway for 1-2 weeks is usually the best giveaway running time. It gives you plenty of time to secure entries, and it isn’t so long that users will forget about you. 

Having your giveaway last for this time is actually the most popular choice because it offers the optimum amount of time to reach your ideal audience while keeping your giveaway relevant and timely.

  • What is the main prize?

  • This is something that people would be most interested in. Wouldn’t you as well? 

    You know your audience and for that reason you should be aware of things they would be interested in. Make it tempting and reach out to the brands you're collaborating with to see if they would support your idea. 

    Elite Supps is definitely interested in the idea. :)

    Rules for an Instagram Giveaway:

    • Note that your giveaway is not connected/sponsored/administered in any way with Instagram.
    • If giveaway will be connected with some company, include the name of the brand which will be hosting Giveaway and note that people must follow you and the brand on Instagram.
    • Note the exact time and date of the giveaway, including the time zone.
    • Set restrictions regarding age and location.
    • Put clear guidelines on how to enter into giveaways.
    • Put clear information about the winner and how/when will you choose him and announce.
    • Put details on how the winner should get the prize, who is responsible for delivery or pick-up.
    • Extra tip: if you want to make it more interesting, create a special #hashtag with the name of your giveaway, and ask your followers to make content! That way you will easily later check all content and choose the winner.

    We hope we have brought interest to you creating a giveaway for your audience since it is really proven to be engaging and entertaining to your audience.

    And for the end, if you decide to organize Giveaway, Elite Supps will be more than happy to be a part of it. Just reach out through our email and we can discuss options.

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